How to make dark chocolate in Alchemy Classic?
What can you make with dark chocolate in Alchemy Classic?
Combinations with any other elements are not known.
Walkthrough for dark chocolate in Alchemy Classic
- earth + fire = stone
- fire + water = alcohol
- air + fire = lightning
- earth + water = swamp
- air + stone = sand
- fire + stone = metals
- stone + water = salt water
- lightning + swamp = amino acids
- 2 * fire + metals = zinc
- air + salt water = fog
- 3 * fire + metals = copper
- sand + swamp = clay
- air + fog = clouds
- fire + fog = steam
- clay + fire = brick
- amino acids + swamp = bacteria
- clouds + water = rain
- 2 * bacteria = cells
- bacteria + water = algae
- alcohol + bacteria = mutating bacteria
- copper + zinc = CuZn battery
- algae + earth = moss
- cells + water = plankton
- earth + moss = grass
- earth + grass = bamboo
- moss + swamp = fern
- plankton + swamp = molluscs
- grass + swamp = peat
- molluscs + swamp = slugs
- earth + peat = coal
- earth + slugs = worms
- bamboo + metals = wood
- fern + metals = vegetable waste
- fern + sand = palms
- 2 * vegetable waste = compost
- algae + plankton = fish
- coal + fire + stone = stove
- metals + wood = tools
- fish + swamp = amphibians
- fern + grass = flowers
- palms + rain = tropics
- brick + wood = incomplete building
- earth + flowers = trees
- amphibians + mutating bacteria = alien
- bamboo + tools = tube
- 2 * tube = tubing
- compost + worms = wormy compost
- tubing + water = water pipeline
- earth + wormy compost = humus
- grass + trees = liana
- metals + tools + wood = incomplete mechanism
- CuZn battery + alien + metals = robot
- grass + humus = cereals
- incomplete mechanism + steam = steam engine
- cereals + metals = grains
- grains + 2 * stone = flour
- steam + steam engine = pressure
- flowers + humus = cotton
- alien + robot = active robot
- cotton + tools = fiber
- active robot + earth + metals = drilling rig
- active robot + metals + water = incomplete boiler
- drilling rig + earth = borehole
- borehole + water = draw well
- CuZn battery + incomplete boiler = electric boiler
- incomplete mechanism + pressure = pump
- flour + incomplete building + stove = bakery
- fiber + liana = rope
- brick + electric boiler + wood = incomplete factory
- rope + wood = rope ladder
- rope ladder + wood = wooden ladder
- incomplete building + wooden ladder = tower
- bakery + incomplete factory = food factory
- draw well + pump + tower = water tower
- water pipeline + water tower = irrigation system
- humus + irrigation system = agricultural land
- agricultural land + trees + tropics = cacao tree
- cacao tree + tools = cocoa bean
- cocoa bean + food factory = dark chocolate