Alchemy Classic Cheats
Your guide with hints for all 511 elements
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Game Description
Alchemy Classic is a game where you combine elements to create new elements. You start with the basic elements fire , water , air , and earth and create more complex items up to airship , candy , and town . In our complete cheat sheet you choose an item from an alphabetically sorted list with all elements to find out more about it. For each element we give you all recipes for its creation and what other elements can be mixed with it. In walkthroughs you get a step-by-step guide with the shortest way from the start to each element.
List of all elements from A to Z
- A 34 elements
- aardvark
- abacus
- acid rain
- activated carbon
- active robot
- aerated water
- agricultural land
- air
- airplane
- airship
- alcohol
- algae
- alien
- all-terrain vehicle
- aluminium
- amalgam
- amber
- amino acids
- ammonites
- amphibians
- ancient footwear
- ancient skates
- animal fossil
- ants
- anvil
- aquarium
- arthropods
- ash
- assembly line
- astrolabe
- atom battery
- atom bomb
- atomic submarine
- automated factory
- B 24 elements
- bacteria
- bakery
- ballon
- bamboo
- banana
- bank
- bats
- bear
- beavers
- beehive
- bees
- beetles
- benzine
- bickford fuse
- birds
- black lead
- boat
- bones
- borehole
- brass
- bread
- brick
- bronze
- butterflies
- C 64 elements
- cacao tree
- cactus
- candelabrum
- candle
- candy
- canines
- canning
- Caoutchouc
- car
- carbon
- carbon dioxide
- cart
- cast iron
- castle
- caterpillar
- caterpillar platform
- cells
- cellulose
- cement
- cephalopods
- ceramics
- cereals
- chain saw
- chemical rubbish
- chemical waste
- chickens
- chicks
- chlorine
- chloroform
- chromium
- cinnabar
- citrus plants
- clay
- clock tower
- clothes
- cloud castle
- clouds
- cloven-hoofed animals
- coal
- cocoa bean
- coconut
- coconut milk
- coconut shell
- cocoon
- coins
- cold
- compass
- compost
- cones
- conifers
- container
- copper
- coral reefs
- corals
- cotton
- cotton candy
- cotton wool
- cows
- crabs
- crane
- crocodiles
- cryogenic scuba
- crystal glass
- CuZn battery
- D 15 elements
- dark chocolate
- deers
- Dewar flask
- diamond
- dinosaurs
- dolphins
- domestic animals
- down
- dragonflies
- draw well
- drilling rig
- drunken animal
- dry ice
- ducks
- Dying Forest
- E 10 elements
- earth
- ebonit
- eel
- eggs
- electric boiler
- electricity
- electronic clock
- elephants
- exhibit
- extremely infectious alien
- F 30 elements
- fern
- fertilizer
- fiber
- fire
- fireworks
- fish
- fish yield
- fishing boat
- fishing net
- flashlight
- flies
- flour
- flowers
- flute
- flying dinosaurs
- flying fish
- fog
- food factory
- forest
- forge
- freezer
- fresco
- frogs
- frozen alien
- fruit trees
- fruits
- fulgurite
- fungi
- furniture
- furniture factory
- G 16 elements
- garland
- gas field
- gas mask
- gas pipeline
- gas refinery
- gear
- giraffes
- glass
- glowing lightbulb
- gold
- grain elevator
- grains
- granary
- graphite
- grass
- gunpowder
- H 30 elements
- Hammerhead Shark
- hamsters
- hares
- HCl
- hedge
- hedgehog
- helium
- hevea
- hippopotamus
- HNO2
- HNO3
- holiday reindeers
- holiday stockings
- holiday stockings with ash
- holiday stockings with gifts
- honey
- honey bee
- hookah
- horn
- horses
- hose
- house
- hovercraft
- hummingbirds
- humus
- hydrated lime
- hydrocarbon
- Hydrochloric Acid
- hydrogen
- hydrothermal vein
- I 15 elements
- ice
- ice cream
- incomplete boiler
- incomplete building
- incomplete factory
- incomplete mechanism
- indigo
- indigofera
- infected animal
- insectivora
- insects
- internal combustion engine
- iron
- ironwood
- irrigation system
- K 1 element
- kite
- L 15 elements
- lead
- lead oxide
- lemons
- lettuce
- liana
- lightbulb
- lighthouse
- lightning
- limestone
- lint
- liquid oxygen
- lizards
- locomobile
- loom
- lumber mill
- M 31 elements
- machine factory
- magnet
- mammals
- mammothes
- map
- marmots
- mechanical clock
- melody
- mercury
- metals
- methane
- mice
- microscope
- milk
- milk chocolate
- millipedes
- mineral water
- minerals
- mirror
- moat
- moles
- molluscs
- monkeys
- mosquitos
- moss
- museum
- mushrooms
- musical instruments
- mussels
- mutating bacteria
- mutating plant
- N 16 elements
- natural gas
- needle
- New Year tree
- New Year tree with garland
- New Year's baubles
- nightingale
- Nitric acid
- Nitrous acid
- NO2
- nonruminants
- noria
- note
- nuclear boiler
- nuclear power station
- nuclear waste
- nuts
- O 15 elements
- oat
- observatory
- octopus
- oil
- oil field
- oil pipeline
- oil refinery
- orangery
- oranges
- orchids
- organ
- Origami
- ornithopter
- oxygen
- oxygen container
- P 27 elements
- paint
- palm leaves sandals
- palms
- panda
- paper
- paper factory
- peat
- pencil
- penguins
- pigs
- pillow
- planetarium
- planisphere
- plankton
- platypus
- plesiosaurs
- plutonium
- poisoned animal
- polar bear
- Polluted Earth
- porcupines
- Potassium nitrate
- potter's wheel
- powersaw bench
- pressure
- pump
- pumpkin
- R 17 elements
- rabbits
- radioactivity
- rain
- rats
- reed
- reindeers
- reptiles
- resin
- rice
- robot
- rodent
- rope
- rope ladder
- roses
- rubber
- ruminants
- rust
- S 71 elements
- safe
- sail
- sail boat
- sailplane
- salamanders
- salt
- salt water
- sand
- sand on glass drawing
- sandglass
- sandworms
- saw
- scorpions
- scuba
- seagulls
- searchlight
- sedimentary rock
- sharks
- shrimps
- shrub
- silk
- silk clothes
- silver
- skis
- sledge
- slugs
- smoking pipe
- snails
- snakes
- snow
- soda
- sodium
- Sodium hydroxide
- Sodium hydroxide solution
- solar panel
- solar power plant
- sound
- space
- spider web
- spiders
- spyglass
- squirrels
- stagecoach
- star
- star chart
- starfish
- steam
- steam boat
- steam engine
- steam turbine
- steel
- stick insects
- stone
- stone axe
- stove
- straw
- stromatolites
- submarine
- sugar
- sugar cane
- sugar water
- sulfur
- sulfur dioxide
- sulfur trioxide
- sulfuric acid
- Sun
- sunflower
- sunflower oil
- sunflower seeds
- swamp
- swamp chickens
- T 30 elements
- tea
- tea leaves
- tea plant
- teapot
- teddy bear
- telescope
- termites
- Terrarium (Amphibians)
- Terrarium (Reptiles)
- textile
- textile factory
- thermometer
- thermos
- thunderstorm
- toads
- tobacco
- tools
- torch
- tortoises
- tower
- town
- toy ballon
- toy for rodents
- trees
- trilobites
- tropics
- truffles
- tube
- tubing
- tungsten
- U 4 elements
- ufo
- undefined dead lifeform
- unhydrated lime
- uranium
- W 27 elements
- watch tower
- water
- water pipeline
- water tower
- water turbine
- water wheel
- waterbirds
- watermammals
- wax
- whales
- wheel
- wick
- wild boars
- wind
- wind turbine
- windmill
- wine
- wire
- wood
- wood transporter
- wooden bridge
- wooden fragments
- wooden ladder
- woodpeckers
- woodworms
- worms
- wormy compost
- Y 3 elements
- yarn
- yellow water toy
- yogurt
- Z 3 elements
- zebra
- zinc
- ZnC battery