water turbine Alchemy Classic Cheats

How to make water turbine in Alchemy Classic?

What can you make with water turbine in Alchemy Classic?

Combinations with any other elements are not known.

Walkthrough for water turbine in Alchemy Classic

  1. earth + water = swamp
  2. air + fire = lightning
  3. earth + fire = stone
  4. fire + water = alcohol
  5. fire + stone = metals
  6. 2 * fire + metals = zinc
  7. lightning + swamp = amino acids
  8. 3 * fire + metals = copper
  9. amino acids + swamp = bacteria
  10. 2 * bacteria = cells
  11. bacteria + water = algae
  12. cells + water = plankton
  13. copper + zinc = CuZn battery
  14. alcohol + bacteria = mutating bacteria
  15. algae + plankton = fish
  16. fish + swamp = amphibians
  17. amphibians + mutating bacteria = alien
  18. CuZn battery + alien + metals = robot
  19. alien + robot = active robot
  20. active robot + metals + 2 * water = water turbine
Alchemy Classic Cheats